Complete Peace

I Peter 5:7 “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

Writing to the scattered saints that are continually being bombarded by the abusive tactics of the world, the flesh, and the devil; Peter illuminates four areas of concern in I Peter5:4-9, parting (vs.4), pride (vs.5-6), pain (vs.7), and persecution (vs. 8-9). Peter’s words prove to be profitable in every area of the saints’ lives. At this time, I would like to focus upon the pain associated with the trials and tribulations in life. While it is unnecessary to declare that there is such a thing because of its presence in the lives of all men, Peter reminds us of the “care” associated with living in this world. “Care” is that which divides the heart, agitating the emotions so as to cause one’s concerns to generate a distraction, disuniting one from the presence of peace and any hope of peace in the future. Peter declares that there is a resource available to combat pain and give complete peace; “Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you.”

There are four profitable thoughts found within the text that are necessary if one is to become the recipient of complete peace. Peter begins with the practice, “Casting.” None of us are equipped to sufficiently handle the caustic trials and adversities of life on our own. Knowledgeable of this truth, Peter admonishes us to rid ourselves of these things by the means of “Casting.” With the sudden motion of a quick fling we are to throw over as related to the act of distribution so as to rest upon. Because of our inability, if one is to know the pleasant possibilities of peace, it begins with redistribution; that which is robbing us of peace must be relocated.

The second thought is the person, “upon him.” Where are the trials and adversities to be distributed? The most notable thing is that they are not redistributed to a place, but a person! Jesus is not only responsible for your salvation, but your satisfaction; your conversion was accomplished when He took your sin and your contentment was achieved when He took your sorrows. Jesus said, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Mathew 11:28). Rest and refreshment is only found in Christ!

The third thought is the perimeters, “all your care.” If there was but one glorious truth that Peter wants his audience to know; it is that any care can be placed upon Him! This is seen in the word “all.” A basic study of the word reveals that at any season, from any source, concerning any subject; it qualifies for “casting.”

Finally, there is the passion, “for he careth for you.” Why would Jesus be willing to accept your sin and sorrow? There is one and only one reason; “he careth.” The word not only means to be interested, or to be concerned, but the reason for the interest and concern is “for it matters!” When the trials and adversities come making you feel like no one cares; Jesus said, “You matter and I will take care of you.”

There is complete peace to be enjoyed when one follows the practice of flinging upon Jesus the sorrows of any season, any subject, and any source; for you matter to Him and He will take care  of you!