So Great Salvation

I Peter 1:10-12 “Of which salvation the prophets have inquired and searched diligently, who prophesied of the grace that should come unto you: Searching what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ which was in them did signify, when it testified beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory that should follow. Unto whom it was revealed, that not unto themselves, but unto us they did minister the things, which are now reported unto you by them that have preached the gospel unto you with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.”

Psalm 20:5 “We will rejoice in thy salvation, and in the name of our God we will set up our banners: the Lord fulfil all thy petitions.”

In the opening twelve verses of Peter’s first epistle, his heart is captivated by God’s “So Great Salvation.”  He has emphasized its securing in the past and its sufficiency in the present and within our text he reveals that it is spoken of by the prophets and is the subject of the preacher. When we come to verse 12, Peter enlarges on salvation’s greatness when he reveals that it has caught the attention of both worlds; not only earth, but heaven; which things the angels desire to look into.” One writer said, “Other worlds bend to study the drama of redemption which is played out on this low earth.” While they have no part in the plan of salvation, the angels have an interest in the work of God among men.

The splendor of God’s work among sinful men has so affected the angels that it is reflected in their passion, “desire” and their posture, “look.” The word “desire” means to set the heart upon, long for, to have affections directed to anything so as to long after. The word “look” means to bend beside, to lean over so as to peer within. While we are not told to what degree they comprehend God’s wondrous plan, this we do know; their comprehension is expressed in praise, “there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth” (Luke 15:10). The word “joy” means gladness or rejoicing. F.B. Meyer paints for us a splendid portrait when he said, “They bend aside, as did the cherubim over the mercy seat, where there these truths were set forth in the sprinkled blood. Though they cannot penetrate all its mysterious depths, yet they set to music all they know, crying, “Worthy the Lamb that was slain.” Rightly they are lost in admiration and praise.”

While salvation may have caught the attention of two worlds; it appears that the one that needs it most is the less interested. Unlike the angels we appear to be unmoved in our passion, our posture, and our praise of “So Great Salvation!” May we pause for but a moment and ask ourselves the thought provoking question of the ages; “How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation” (Hebrews 2:3).